Display an integer comma seperated in C? -

this question has answer here:

how can display integer comma separated in c?

for example if int i=9876543, result should 9,876,543.

you can play lc_numeric , setlocale() or build own function, like:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  char *fmt(long x) {     char s[64], *p = s, *q, *r;     int len;      len = sprintf(p, "%ld", x);     q = r = malloc(len + (len / 3) + 1);     if (r == null) return null;     if (*p == '-') {         *q++ = *p++;         len--;     }     switch (len % 3) {         {             *q++ = ',';             case 0: *q++ = *p++;             case 2: *q++ = *p++;             case 1: *q++ = *p++;         } while (*p);     }     *q = '\0';     return r; }  int main(void) {     char *s = fmt(9876543);      printf("%s\n", s);     free(s);     return 0; } 


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