authentication - VBS- Login script to map drive with multiple NICs -

i trying create script map drive @ logon per ip address or subnet. able find 1 script works on single mic, thre few machines have 2 nics, , not work them.

here modified script.

set objnetwork = createobject("") strcomputer = "." set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")  set coladapters = objwmiservice.execquery _     ("select * win32_networkadapterconfiguration ipenabled=true")   redim arrsubnets(-1) each objadapter in coladapters   each straddress in objadapter.ipaddress     arroctets = split(straddress, ".")     if arroctets(0) <> ""       redim preserve arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets)+1)       arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets)) = arroctets(0) & "." & arroctets(1) & "." _         & arroctets(2)      end if   next next      set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery _          ("select * win32_logicaldisk deviceid = 'g:'")  if colitems.count = 0       strsubnet = arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets))  select case strsubnet          case "10.1.1"              objnetwork.mapnetworkdrive "g:", "\\\zshared",true         objnetwork.mapnetworkdrive "f:", "\\\zshared2",true          case "10.1.20"              objnetwork.mapnetworkdrive "g:", "\\\sharedch",true         objnetwork.mapnetworkdrive "f:", "\\\sharedch1",true  end select  end if 

you use arrsubnets without initializing (or resizing) it. also, you're trying echo arrsubnetips(i) when should echoing arrsubnets(i). change this:

i = 0  each objadapter in coladapters   each straddress in objadapter.ipaddress     arroctets = split(straddress, ".")     if arroctets(0) <> ""       arrsubnets(i) = arroctets(0) & "." & arroctets(1) & "." & arroctets(2)       = + 1       wscript.echo arrsubnetips(i)     end if   next next 

into this:

redim arrsubnets(-1) each objadapter in coladapters   each straddress in objadapter.ipaddress     arroctets = split(straddress, ".")     if arroctets(0) <> ""       redim preserve arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets)+1)       arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets)) = arroctets(0) & "." & arroctets(1) & "." _         & arroctets(2)       wscript.echo arrsubnets(ubound(arrsubnets))     end if   next next 


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