java - Take off namespace from Jaxb fields -

i want know how type 1 time namespace in jabx, because in every fields need put namespace.

the code below show it.

@xmlrootelement(name = "nfeproc", namespace = "") @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) class nfeproc {      @xmlelement(name = "nfe", namespace = "")     private nfe nfe;      @xmlattribute(name = "versao")     private string versao;      public nfe getnfe() {         return nfe;     }      public void setnfe(nfe nfe) {         this.nfe = nfe;     }      public string getversao() {         return versao;     }      public void setversao(string versao) {         this.versao = versao;     }  } 

i wanna put 1 time.


you can set @ package level using @xmlschema annotation. setting element form default qualified, elements without namespace specified via annotation belong given namespace.

@xmlschema(     namespace = "",     elementformdefault = xmlnsform.qualified) package example;  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlnsform; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlschema; 

for more information


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