Telerik RadFilter - How to remove and expression from Radfilter programatically? -

i have requirement need remove expression radfilter programatically. radfilter tied radgrid , user has option remove column grid.

when column removed, need loop through expression in radfilter , remove ones defined on column. can please me this?

i figured out how make work. telerik controls black hole , there not whole lot of documentation out there if want implement more complicated functionality , not stick demo scenarios have. hope helps somebody.

public void yourmethod() {     //rfreport radfilter control defined somewhere on  aspx page     //fieldname gridcolumns's datafield property expression want     //remove radfilter     removefilterexpressions(rfreport.rootgroup, string fieldname); }  private void removefilterexpressions(radfiltergroupexpression filtergroupexpression, string fieldname) {     (int = filtergroupexpression.expressions.count - 1; >= 0; i--)     {         var exp = filtergroupexpression.expressions[i];         if (exp.filterfunction ==         {             removefilterexpressions(exp radfiltergroupexpression, fieldname);             //remove filtergroupexpression if has no expressions             if (((radfiltergroupexpression)exp).expressions.count == 0)             {                 filtergroupexpression.expressions.remove(exp);             }         }         else          {             if (((radfilternongroupexpression)exp).fieldname == fieldname)             {                  //remove expression if fieldname == fieldname                 filtergroupexpression.expressions.remove(exp);             }         }     } } 


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