javascript - Loading Maya model with Three.js -
i following this tutorial on how load maya models three.js.
everything fine, tutorial explains how load models 1 texture.
here's source code tutorial:
function createscene(geometry, x, y, z, scale, tmap) { zmesh = new three.mesh(geometry, new three.meshlambertmaterial({map: three.imageutils.loadtexture(tmap)})); zmesh.position.set(x, y, z); zmesh.scale.set(scale, scale, scale); meshes.push(zmesh); scene.add(zmesh); }
full js live link
var screen_width = window.innerwidth; var screen_height = window.innerheight; var container; var camera, scene; var canvasrenderer, webglrenderer; var mesh, zmesh, geometry, materials; var windowhalfx = window.innerwidth / 2; var windowhalfy = window.innerheight / 2; var meshes = []; init(); animate(); function init() { container = document.createelement('div'); document.body.appendchild(container); camera = new three.perspectivecamera(75, screen_width / screen_height, 1, 100000); camera.position.x = 400; camera.position.y = 200; camera.position.z = 400; scene = new three.scene(); // lights var ambient = new three.ambientlight(0x666666); scene.add(ambient); var directionallight = new three.directionallight(0xffeedd); directionallight.position.set(0, 70, 100).normalize(); scene.add(directionallight); // renderer webglrenderer = new three.webglrenderer(); webglrenderer.setsize(screen_width, screen_height); = "relative"; container.appendchild(webglrenderer.domelement); var loader = new three.jsonloader(), callbackkey = function (geometry, materials) { createscene(geometry, materials, 0, 0, 0, 6); }; loader.load("chameleon.js", callbackkey); window.addeventlistener('resize', onwindowresize, false); } function createscene(geometry, materials, x, y, z, scale) { zmesh = new three.mesh(geometry, new three.meshfacematerial(materials)); zmesh.position.set(x, y, z); zmesh.scale.set(scale, scale, scale); meshes.push(zmesh); scene.add(zmesh); } function onwindowresize() { windowhalfx = window.innerwidth / 2; windowhalfy = window.innerheight / 2; camera.aspect = window.innerwidth / window.innerheight; camera.updateprojectionmatrix(); webglrenderer.setsize(window.innerwidth, window.innerheight); } function animate() { (var = 0; < meshes.length; i++) { meshes[i].rotation.y += 0.01; } requestanimationframe(animate); render(); } function render() { camera.lookat(scene.position); webglrenderer.render(scene, camera); }
but model has 4 textures. should change load of them?live link
it appears tutorial following ignoring materials json model format , passing geometry , straight text reference single texture file so:
var loader = new three.jsonloader(), callbackkey = function(geometry) {createscene(geometry, 0, 0, 0, 15, "chameleon.jpg")}; loader.load("chameleon.js", callbackkey);
the jsonloader not pulls in geometry materials in array. (see: line 45) can pass array meshfacematerial(arrayofmaterials) so:
var loader = new three.jsonloader();, callbackkey = function(geometry, materials) {createscene(geometry, materials, 0, 0, 0, 15, )}; loader.load("chameleon.js", callbackkey);
then in createscene function change first line be:
zmesh = new three.mesh(geometry, new three.meshfacematerial(materials));
edit: adding details on fixing maya exports
so model loading black. in case issue in model file chameleon.js
. have @ each material's colorambient
, colordiffuse
property. notice they're [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. known obj export bug in maya. have 3 options fix it.
1) open chameleon.js
file , alter colorambient
, colordiffuse
lines (you'll need play values make right)
"colorambient" : [0.8, 0.8, 0.8], "colordiffuse" : [0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
2) in maya before applying diffuse map, make sure apply default color value first. reason once map on can no longer access color property , exporter uses default value of 0.
3) after exporting maya can alter obj file change these lines from:
kd 0.00 0.00 0.00
kd 0.80 0.80 0.80
i've tested here @ home , model looking good, let me know how goes?
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