clojure - How do I use with-out-str with collections? -

i can use with-out-str string value (doc func).

=> (with-out-str (doc first)) "-------------------------\nclojure.core/first\n([coll])\n  returns first item in collection. calls seq on its\n    argument. if coll nil, returns nil.\n"     

however, if try same thing collection of functions, can return empty string each:

=> (map #(with-out-str (doc %)) [first rest]) ("" "") 

where going wrong here?

unfortunately doc macro, , such not first class citizen in clojure because cannot use higher order function.

user> (doc doc) ------------------------- clojure.repl/doc ([name]) macro   prints documentation var or special form given name  

what seeing output of looking documentation % twice.

user> (doc %) nil  user> (with-out-str (doc %)) "" 

because call doc has finished running during macro-expansion-time, before call map runs (at run-time). can doc string directly metadata on var containing functions

user> (map #(:doc (meta (resolve %))) '[first rest]) ("returns first item in collection. calls seq on its\n    argument. if coll nil, returns nil."   "returns possibly empty seq of items after first. calls seq on its\n  argument.") 


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