How to insert into two or more different tables in MySQL using Java -

string sql = " insert asset_update         (asset_id,          date_acquired,          item_code,          serial_number,          cost_of_acquisition,          estimated_useful_life,          estimated_residual_value,          depreciation_start_date,          user,          status,          disposal_date,          asset_image)      values  (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  ";         pst = conn.preparestatement(sql);         pst.setstring(1, assetid.gettext());         pst.setstring(2, ((jtextfield) date_aquired.getdateeditor().getuicomponent()).gettext());          string itemcode = combobox_itemcode.getselecteditem().tostring();         pst.setstring(3, itemcode);         pst.setstring(4, txt_sn.gettext());           pst.setstring(5, txt_coa.gettext());         pst.setstring(6, eul.gettext());         pst.setstring(7, txt_erv.gettext());         pst.setstring(8, ((jtextfield) date_dsd.getdateeditor().getuicomponent()).gettext());          string user = jcombobox_users.getselecteditem().tostring();         pst.setstring(9, user);         string status = combobox_status.getselecteditem().tostring();         pst.setstring(10, status);         pst.setstring(11, ((jtextfield) date_dd.getdateeditor().getuicomponent()).gettext());                    pst.setbytes(12,persons_image); 

this code if want add table different columns insert statement


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