linux - Posting data to a form cURL -

i trying post data form using curl , save in file , here form in want post data , webpage can accessed here form_webpage

<label for='fldname'>name</label></td><td>:</td><td><input type='text' name='name' id='fldname'/>     <label for='fldemail'>email</label></td><td>:</td><td><input type='text' name='email' id='fldemail'/>     <input type='password' name='x' id='fldpwd'/>     <input type='password' name='cpwd' id='fldcpwd'/>     <input type='radio' value='m' name='gender' id='fldgendm'/>     <label for='fldgendm'>male</label> <input type='radio' value='f' name='gender' id='fldgendf' />    <label for='fldgendf'>female</label>    <input type='checkbox' value='e' name='lang[]' id='fldlange'/> eng <input type='checkbox' value='t' name='lang[]'      id='fldlangt'/> tel <input type='checkbox' value='h' name='lang[]' id='fldlangh' disabled />     <select name='coun' multiple > <option value=''>choose country</option> <option value='91'>india</option> <option value='001'>usa</option> <option value='002'>united kingdom</option> </select> 

i have done quite bit of research , everytime want post form returning same page used

curl --data 'name=stirumer&[]=e&coun=91' "" -o "3.html"  curl -gd 'name=stirumer& der=m&lang[]=e&coun=91' "" -o "3.html"  curl -x post -f 'name=stirumer&[]=e&coun=91' -o "2.html"  curl -f 'name=stirumer& er=m&lang[]=e&coun=91' -o "1.html"  curl -x post --data "name=stirumer&[]=e&coun=91"  

all of them return same page..!!

expected output should output if correct?

need guys!

here's 1 way go this, i've found quite useful similar activities.

in firefox install firebug , firecurl. start firebug, , browse page in question, , submit form. in net panel of firebug, @ firecurl output. gives curl command line form submission, can cut , paste shell , execute. way learn needs done post.


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