python - updating wx.Gauge and keep current frame alive? -

i'm writing little tool downloads file website using python , wxpython. i've got working, thing's been bugging me want use progress bar show completion, , after urlretrieve, thing's moving progressbar, gui become unresponsive. know that's threading i'm new @ this. can give me hint?

the idea @ main frame search result site, , give result downloadlistingframe, generates buttons , statictext on fly. problem after click download button, progressbar updates file's being download, other whole app hangs. after reading else's code other example, thought put dodownload function in thread , executed it, acts same not using threading...

thanks in advanced.

class downloadlistingframe ( wx.frame ):

data = ''  def __init__( self, parent, result ):     wx.frame.__init__ ( self, parent, id = wx.id_any, title = u'result', pos = wx.defaultposition, size = wx.size( 500,300 ), style = wx.default_frame_style|wx.tab_traversal )     self.setsizehintssz( wx.defaultsize, wx.defaultsize )      self.statusbar = self.createstatusbar()     self.statusbar.setfieldscount(3)      self.progessbar = wx.gauge(self.statusbar, -1, style=wx.ga_horizontal|wx.ga_smooth)     rect = self.statusbar.getfieldrect(1)     self.progessbar.setposition((rect.x+2, rect.y+2 ))     self.progessbar.setsize((rect.width, rect.height-4))      buttonpos = 20     item in result:         label = wx.statictext( self, wx.id_any, item, wx.point( 120 ,buttonpos+2 ), wx.defaultsize, 0 )         button = wx.button(self, id=-1,label=u'download', pos=(20, buttonpos))         buttonpos = buttonpos + 30         self.bind(wx.evt_button, lambda x: self.downloader(item, result[item]), button)      self.centre( wx.both )   def progressupdate(self, blockcount, blocksize, totalsize):     progresssofar = int((float(blockcount) * float(blocksize) / float(totalsize)) * 100)     self.progessbar.setvalue(progresssofar)  def dodownloade(self, realaddress, saveasfilename):     urllib.urlretrieve(realaddress, saveasfilename, self.progressupdate)  def downloader(self, title, url):     saveaspath = wx.dirdialog(self, u"save to...")     if saveaspath.showmodal() == wx.id_ok:         realaddress = self.getrealaddress(url)         saveasfilename = os.path.join(saveaspath.getpath(), title + os.path.splitext(realaddress)[1])         thread = threading.thread(target=self.dodownloade(realaddress, saveasfilename))         thread.setdaemon(true)         thread.start()  def getrealaddress(self, url):     import httplib     siteurl = ''     httpconnection = httplib.httpconnection(siteurl)     httpconnection.request("get", url)     resp = httpconnection.getresponse()     realaddress = resp.getheaders()[6][1]     return realaddress  def __del__( self ):     pass 

when run command:

thread = threading.thread(target=self.dodownloade(realaddress, saveasfilename)) 

it first runs self.dodownloade(realaddress, saveasfilename) , passes return value of (which none) target.

instead want:

thread = threading.thread(target=self.dodownloade, args=(realaddress, saveasfilename)) 

note, here, i've passed in function self.dodownloade, , thread call agrs gave when call thread.start.

by way, can wx.timer. find better tool gauges since it's easier , can control how gauge updated , therefore how resources used gauge. main wxpython demo's gauge example uses wx.timer want starting point.


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