java - Retrieving null value from servlet to jsp -

i have 2 jsp pages, first jsp display images link second jsp page.

<a href='/display.jsp?src=<c:out value="${photo.source}"/>'> 

in display servlet, have following coding...

string srclink = (string) req.getparameter("src");     req.setattribute("src", srclink);     getservletconfig().getservletcontext().getrequestdispatcher("/display.jsp").forward(req, resp); } 

inside second jsp (display.jsp), have following coding...

<img src="<%= request.getattribute("src") %>" /> 

however, when view in browser, show as...

<img src="null" /> 

is there steps have done wrongly?

no need set attribute request.setattribute(), using requestdispatcher. forwards same request other servlet/jsp. can use request.getparameter

use request.getparameter("src")



so code in display servlet, like:

    getservletconfig().getservletcontext().getrequestdispatcher("/display.jsp").forward(req, resp); 

and inside display.jsp,

<img src="<%= request.getparameter("src") %>" /> 



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