Stop or restart beanstalkd manually on command line -

beanstalkd running on ubuntu vps. don't know how stop or shut down beandstalkd server. want stop server manually on command line.

i've found monitoring tools , configurations script, no commands commandline.

beanstalkd run standard os-level tools (so, on ubuntu, upstart). there number of example configuration scripts launchd, systemd , upstart in beanstalkd repo.

for ubuntu system, copy upstart .conf file, making required tweaks command line need (to enable binary log, example) , drop /etc/init/ directory. usual start, restart, stop & status commands able control beanstalkd daemon, , auto-started on bootup.

if it's not under upstart control, can kill process, else, finding process id (pgrep -lf beanstalkd).


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