javascript - How to measure the compression with web audio api? -

i create html meter display reduction made compressor node.

i used code not change metter

compressor = context.createdynamicscompressor(); compressor.threshold = -50; compressor.ratio = 12; compressor.attack = 0.003; compressor.reduction.onchange = function () {   var gainreduction = pluginslot1.reduction;   document.getelementbyid("meter").value = gainreduction.value; }; 

this connected html

< meter id="meter" min="0" max="100">

what need in order work?

here's quick , dirty jsbin example:

unless there's i'm missing in spec, reduction param doesn't fire events. need read on-demand. in example, that's happening requestanimationframe loop.

the other thing you're missing need set params compressor.threshold.value, because compressor.threshold object.

hope helps.


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