php - cakephp - getting the correct path in a javascript file -

i'm trying use $.post() jquery call in javascript file have in webroot/js folder.

the javascript file gets called in number of places , i'm struggling figure out correct path use is.

i'm using following @ moment

$.post("../../spanners/deletespanner", function(data) {     alert(data); }); 

but using ../../ won't work in parts of app.

what can replace ../../ with?

this depends on place of app on server , how spanners controller's deletespanner action access. suppose following: ===> $.post("/spanners/deletespanner"... ===> $.post("/someapp/spanners/deletespanner"... 

to prove concept you, checkout demo: in-which src of jsbin logo website accessed page level starting path /

<img src="/images/jsbin_static.png" alt="jsbin logo" /> 


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