javascript - Google+ JS API trigger the interactive post button automatically -

i'm using google+ api. can render 'interactive post' button javascript described here:

so, code looks this:

var options = {     contenturl: myurl,     clientid: myclientid,     cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',     prefilltext: sometext,     recipients: somerecipients,     calltoactionlabel: 'view',     calltoactionurl: myurl };  gapi.interactivepost.render('gplus-share-trigger', options); 

but want trigger button automatically when finished rendering, there way detect that? dont want ugly like:

settimeout(function(){ $('#gplus-share-trigger').click(); },500); 



var options = {     contenturl: myurl,     clientid: myclientid,     cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',     prefilltext: sometext,     recipients: somerecipients,     calltoactionlabel: 'view',     calltoactionurl: myurl,     callback: function(result) {         $('#gplus-share-trigger').trigger("click");     } }; 


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