angularjs - Setting up grunt, bower, angular dev tools after cloning from github -

i trying clone project github set bower dependencies , grunt build / dev tools. when angular projects initialy pushed github, directories , files have been shed (since listed on gitignore file). trying figure out how resurrect these files necessary locally run project (that find browsing on github).

after cloning project, run bower command reads through bower.json:

% bower install 

then run grunt commands:

% npm install -g grunt-cli % npm install grunt --save-dev 

why gruntfile.js not automatically created when run these terminal commands?

it hangs on issue related livereload evaporates after run these:

% npm install --save-dev connect-livereload % npm install 

when start project scratch these yeoman , grunt commands, automatically creates gruntfile.js , can project auto-load in browser:

% npm install -g generator-angular      % yo angular % bower install angular-ui % npm install --save-dev connect-livereload % npm install % grunt test % grunt server % grunt 

but trying master technique of cloning project github , setting project locally. close experiencing issue missing gruntfile.js. grateful direction provide. best,


using yeoman

you don't need clone project github.

you need make new (clean) project directory.

cd /new/project/directory 

(optional) update npm

npm update -g npm 

install angular scaffold

npm install -g generator-angular 

run yeoman scaffold

yo angular 

fire server

grunt server 

start building app, perhaps angular sub-generators

yo angular:controller mycontroller yo angular:directive mydirective yo angular:filter myfilter yo angular:service myservice 

using bower install front-end dependencies

search repos install

bower search dep-name 


see has been installed

bower list 

or, see bower.json file

installing dependencies

bower install dep-name 

or, add bower.json file run bower install(preferred)

most of all, read documentation

  1. yeoman getting started
  2. bower
  3. grunt

i recommend reading through yeoman first. hang of it, move on other docs once need more advanced customization project. generally, yeoman docs cover bower , grunt relates yeoman project.


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