Django, filter by multiple values -

so have these models:

bands(models.model):     mgmt = models.foreignkey(user)     name = models.charfield(max_length=200)  contracts(models.model):     band = models.foreignkey(bands)     start_date= models.datefield()  bookedgig(models.model):      = models.foreignkey(bands)     under= models.foreignkey(contracts)     date = models.datefield() 

how construct in file capture bookedgigs user? goal display through template, various gigs under title of contacts/bands.

in have

def home(request):     user = request.user     bands = bands.objects.filter(mgmt=user).order_by('name')          #this give me bands belonging user     contracts = contracts.filter(band=bands)         #but here bands not 1 value queryset.      #if try     contracts = bands.booked_gig_set.all()      'queryset' object has no attribute 'booked_gig_set' 

templates: know wrong how i'd display lists.

{% b in bands %}     band:{{}}     {% c in contracts %}         contract start:{{c.start_date}}         {% g in gigs %}             {{g.dates}}         {% endfor %}     {% endfor %} {% endfor %} 



you might want add prefetch_related statement there prefetch gigs though, otherwise template loop hit db once per contract.

 contracts = contracts.objects.filter(band__in=bands).prefetch_related() 


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