javascript - jhint error W021: 'draw' is a function -

i have included file in angular app .

/**  * @description google chart api directive module angularjs  * @version 0.1  * @author nicolas bouillon <>  * @license mit  * @year 2013  */ (function(document, window) {   'use strict';    function loadscript(url, callback) {     var script = document.createelement('script');     script.src = url;     script.onload = callback;     script.onerror = function() {       throw new error('error loading "' + url + '"');     };      document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0].appendchild(script);   }     angular.module('directive.googlechart', [])    .constant('googlechartapiconfig', {     version: '1',     optionalsettings: {       packages: ['corechart']     }   })    .factory('googlechartapiproxy', ['$rootscope', '$q', 'googlechartapiconfig',     function($rootscope, $q, apiconfig) {       var apiready = $q.defer(),         onload = function() {           // override callback function           var settings = {             callback: function() {               var oldcb = apiconfig.optionalsettings.callback;               $rootscope.$apply(function() {                 apiready.resolve();               });                if (angular.isfunction(oldcb)) {       ;               }             }           };            settings = angular.extend({}, apiconfig.optionalsettings, settings);  'visualization', apiconfig.version, settings);         };        loadscript('//', onload);        return function(fn, context) {         var args =, 2);         return function() {           apiready.promise.then(function() {             fn.apply(context, args.concat(;           });         };       };     }   ])    .directive('googlechart', ['$timeout', '$window', 'googlechartapiproxy',     function($timeout, $window, apiproxy) {       return {         restrict: 'a',         scope: {           chart: '=chart'         },         link: function($scope, $elm, $attr) {           // watches, refresh chart when data, title or dimensions change           $scope.$watch('chart', function() {             draw();           }, true); // true deep object equality checking            // redraw chart if window resized            angular.element($window).bind('resize', function() {             draw();           });            function draw() {             if (!draw.triggered && ($scope.chart !== undefined)) {               draw.triggered = true;               $timeout(function() {                 draw.triggered = false;                 var datatable = new google.visualization.datatable($, 0.5);                  var chartwrapperargs = {                   charttype: $scope.chart.type,                   datatable: datatable,                   view: $scope.chart.view,                   options: $scope.chart.options,                   containerid: $elm[0]                 };                  if ($scope.chartwrapper == null) {                   $scope.chartwrapper = new google.visualization.chartwrapper(chartwrapperargs);         $scope.chartwrapper, 'ready', function() {                     $scope.chart.displayed = true;                   });         $scope.chartwrapper, 'error', function(err) {                     console.log("chart not displayed due error: " + err.message);                   });                 } else {                   $scope.chartwrapper.setcharttype($scope.chart.type);                   $scope.chartwrapper.setdatatable(datatable);                   $scope.chartwrapper.setview($scope.chart.view);                   $scope.chartwrapper.setoptions($scope.chart.options);                 }                  $timeout(function() {                   $scope.chartwrapper.draw();                 });               }, 0, true);             }           }            draw = apiproxy(draw, this);         }       };     }   ]);  })(document, window); 

when doing grunt build gives error @ line

the error

[l123:c11] w021: 'draw' function.           draw = apiproxy(draw, this); 

i have tried changing variable name , , putting var before , doesn't solve problem , please suggest solution .

jshint raises "{a} function" warning when attempt assign value identifier first appeared part of function declaration:

function draw() {     // ... }  draw = apiproxy(draw, this); 

i'm not entirely sure of reasoning behind warning (jslint warns in situation, message "read only" instead).

you can fix using different identifier function declaration:

function drawfn() {     // ... }  var draw = apiproxy(drawfn, this); 

however, recommend not including third-party scripts in jshint section of grunt file.


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