java - Validator for MethodArgumentNotValidException only handles constraint of same type -
i'm trying validate form against constraints set on bean. spring-mvc version using 3.2.4. problem default spring validator not validate constraints; ones of same type.
i have following controller code:
@controller @sessionattributes() public class formsubmitcontroller { @requestmapping(value = "/saveform", method = @responsebody public modelmap saveform(@valid @requestbody form form, httpsession session) { session.setattribute("form", form); modelmap map = new modelmap(); map.addattribute("haserrors", false); return map; } }
and following bean:
public class form implements iform, serializable { @notnull(message = "category should not empty") protected string category; @notnull(message = "sub-category should not empty") protected string subcategory; @size(min=0, message="firstname should not empty") protected string firstname; @size(min=0, message="lastname should not empty") protected string lastname; @pattern(regexp="^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](19|20)\\d\\d$", message="date of birth should in dd-mm-jjjj format") protected string dateofbirth; //getters , setters }
the handler methodargumentnotvalidexception looks this:
@controlleradvice public class formexceptioncontroller { @exceptionhandler(methodargumentnotvalidexception.class) @responsestatus(httpstatus.bad_request) @responsebody public modelmap handlemethodargumentnotvalidexception(methodargumentnotvalidexception error) { list<fielderror> errors = error.getbindingresult().getfielderrors(); modelmap map = new modelmap(); modelmap errormap = new modelmap(); map.addattribute("haserrors", true); (fielderror fielderror : errors) { errormap.addattribute(fielderror.getfield(), fielderror.getdefaultmessage()); } map.addattribute("bindingerrors", errormap); return map; } }
so, empty form results in first 2 error messages. firts 2 properties of form filled results in third , fourth error messages.
only when use same contraint type (i.e. notnull) properties on bean return error messages.
what can wrong here?
nothing wrong validator @size , @pattern default accept null valid. need both annotations (@notnull , @pattern/@size). these annotations trigger validation of values non-null, these validations don't imply null
values invalid @notnull
this assuming using hibernate-vaildator (as out-of-the-box supported validator).
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