charts - Color of column in columnchart based on values from store in extJS 3.4 -

i have jsonstore

var rankingstore = new{     url: './get-ranking-stats.php',     root: 'item',     fields: ['name', 'click', 'foto','pdf', 'gid', 'type'],     baseparams: {end: gettoday(), start: getoneweekbefore(), typ: 'all'},     autoload: true }) 

and column chart based on it:

var statis2 =  new ext.panel({     title: 'ranking',     width: '60%',     height: 500,     items: {         xtype: 'columnchart',         store: rankingstore,         xfield: 'name',         id: 'mainchart2',         yfield: 'click',         extrastyle: {            xaxis: {                 labelrotation: -90             }         },     series: [{             type: 'column',             displayname: 'click counter',             yfield: 'click',             style: {                 mode: 'stretch',                 color:0x99bbe8             }         }]        } }); 

all coulms have same colour. want heve different colours based on 'type' value jsonstore. how create rule that?

user before render event of chart after u add own custom color in chart.

beforerender: function(chart, record, index, series){ if("somthing"){ // add own custom css     }     }, 


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