javascript - How to reload the struts2-jquery autocompleter X with value selected from another struts2-jquery autocompleter Y -

i have 2 strut2 jquery autocompleter box called x,y in jsp page. if change x , automatically y should change according selected value of struts dojo tags used listen topics reload . strut2 jquery not able reload .

my code

             <sj:autocompleter                 id="mapnamelist"                 name="map_name"                 list="%{mapnamelist}"                 selectbox="true"                 selectboxicon="true"                 onchangetopics="autocompletechange"                 onfocustopics="autocompletefocus"                 onselecttopics="autocompleteselect"                 />         <label for="map_type">maptype: </label>             <sj:autocompleter                 id="maptypelist"                 name="map_type"                 list="%{maptypelist}"                 selectbox="true"                 selectboxicon="true"                 onchangetopics="autocompletechange"                 onfocustopics="autocompletefocus"                 onselecttopics="autocompleteselect"                 /> 

if prefer json autocompleter list 1 can :

define onselecttopics of first on specific value


define second


create function :

$.subscribe("/mapnamelistchange",function(event, data){             //clear children autocompleters             jquery('#maptypelist').val("");             jquery('#maptypelist_widget').val("");             var ui = event.originalevent.ui;             if (ui.item && ui.item.value.length > 0) {                 setjqueryautocompleterurl(jquery('#maptypelist_widget'),"your json request", "extraparameter=" + ui.item.value, "the list used in json", "maptypelist", "map_type", "/mapnamelistchange", "/maptypelistchange");             };         },null); 

where setjqueryautocompleterurl function

function setjqueryautocompleterurl(widget,href, hrefparameter, list, id, name, selecttopics, listentopics) {          var options_auto_iban_widget = {};         options_auto_iban_widget.hiddenid = "maptypelist";         options_auto_iban_widget.selectbox = true;             options_auto_iban_widget.selectboxicon= true;         options_auto_iban_widget.forcevalidoption = true;         options_auto_iban_widget.onselecttopics = "/autodebtoribanchange";         options_auto_iban_widget.list = list;         options_auto_iban_widget.listkey = "id";         options_auto_iban_widget.listvalue = "name";         options_auto_iban_widget.jqueryaction = "autocompleter"; = id; = name + "_widget";         options_auto_iban_widget.href = href+"?"+hrefparameter;         options_auto_iban_widget.listentopics = "/autodebtorbicchange";          jquery.struts2_jquery_ui.bind(widget,options_auto_iban_widget);     } 

then have extraparameter param of json call filter result.


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